In the morning, went to church for service.
Taught the kids today again.
Actually i didnt really teach already laa since i've already taught them what im supposed to LoL.
So i printed out alot of activities i found online for them to play.
I've always thought that kids like colouring..
But times have changed, some of them really hates colouring =.= LoL swt!
"teacher, i dont like to colour!", "teacher, i dont want to colour!", "teacher, i bring home let my sister colour ok!".. LOL.. =_="
Few of the kids from std5-6 group came over to help me since they didnt have class for today.
*I cant take care of them all alone laaa T_T lol!*
There were really good helpers laaa since Edrik wasnt around to help me.
& they were more strict & fierce than me hahaha!
Its my last lesson with them already, im so gona miss their silly questions & actions lol!
*camwhoring in Sam's room with Sam's webcam hahah!*
After that, i attended Baptism class at 1.30pm conducted by Chin Chung.
After Baptism class, we all hangout in church for awhile before we went home.
Guys played ping-pong as usual, while girls stoned there & watch them play AS USUAL. LOL!
Anyways, i've been playing Restaurant City the whole night.
Wonder when will i get bored of it hahaha!
I got no class tmr, so yay very good lol :D
Gona go Pyramid in the morning to get some stuffs, NOT for me, just helping my bro.
Im still broke, cannot go shopping :( window shopping first laa lol!
See already then put in my things-to-buy list hahaha!
*Silly boy showing off his braces! haha =P*
I've always thought you people were good.
At least i thought you people knew what you were doing.
But i guess you've all shown your other side & that proved me wrong about you people.
I was shocked & dissapointed, like that = X_X T_T!
I've always had a good impression about you people, you knowww.
...but sorry, not anymore ya.
i care for my ♥ ones, nuff said.
Ok laaa.
Gotta go sleep now.
Obibi wants to go for breakfast tmr = have to wake up early!
So i better sleep now else i wont be able to wake up then GG kantoi!
In the morning, went to church for service.
Taught the kids today again.
Actually i didnt really teach already laa since i've already taught them what im supposed to LoL.
So i printed out alot of activities i found online for them to play.
I've always thought that kids like colouring..
But times have changed, some of them really hates colouring =.= LoL swt!
"teacher, i dont like to colour!", "teacher, i dont want to colour!", "teacher, i bring home let my sister colour ok!".. LOL.. =_="
Few of the kids from std5-6 group came over to help me since they didnt have class for today.
*I cant take care of them all alone laaa T_T lol!*
There were really good helpers laaa since Edrik wasnt around to help me.
& they were more strict & fierce than me hahaha!
Its my last lesson with them already, im so gona miss their silly questions & actions lol!
*camwhoring in Sam's room with Sam's webcam hahah!*
After Baptism class, we all hangout in church for awhile before we went home.
Guys played ping-pong as usual, while girls stoned there & watch them play AS USUAL. LOL!
Wonder when will i get bored of it hahaha!
I got no class tmr, so yay very good lol :D
Gona go Pyramid in the morning to get some stuffs, NOT for me, just helping my bro.
Im still broke, cannot go shopping :( window shopping first laa lol!
See already then put in my things-to-buy list hahaha!
*Silly boy showing off his braces! haha =P*
I've always thought you people were good.
At least i thought you people knew what you were doing.
But i guess you've all shown your other side & that proved me wrong about you people.
I was shocked & dissapointed, like that = X_X T_T!
I've always had a good impression about you people, you knowww.
...but sorry, not anymore ya.
i care for my ♥ ones, nuff said.
Ok laaa.
Gotta go sleep now.
Obibi wants to go for breakfast tmr = have to wake up early!
So i better sleep now else i wont be able to wake up then GG kantoi!