The other day,
Obibi & i went for lunch in Nandos, Subang Parade.
Why is my face so round & my eyes so small here X___X
Walked around in Parade.
Bought hairbands lol.
Parade is quite a boring place to shop arr..
I wonder how many times i've said that already in my blog lol.
BUT at least its better than Summit, to me laa lol!
*Look at those horrible eyebags lol!*
Played with Rusty lol.
We made her wear my hairband lol!
Hahaha Rusty doesnt like it lol.
She was trying to take it off in the pic below lol!
These few days,
my peeps & i have been gambling gambling & gambling!
..but the amount we gamble is small laa lol!
I just came back from Mich's place just now.
I lose all my earnings in the last round =_=
So it was break-even for me.
There will be another session tmr at Chunnymomo's place!
& that will be the last gambling session for this year!
Went to KL AGAIN this afternoon with Obibi & family.
I finally bought 2 designer replica bags - Gucci & LV lol!
Its darn cheap ar, even cheaper than my F21 bag O_O!
No money to buy authentic ones yet so i shall settle down with fake ones first lol!
I know some of you will go "yerrr fake bags!", but at least i dare to admit it lol.
I actually dont like replica bags too but i got too tempted, so buy only laa lol!
& *coughs* i actually dont like them so much anymore after buying them =_= lol =_=!
Im always like that arrr, i like something very much when i first saw it, like love at first sight lmao!
BUT i dont like it that much anymore when i see it again at home =_=
Oh Well.... lol!
Ok laa,
im really tired!
So time to go!
The other day,
Obibi & i went for lunch in Nandos, Subang Parade.
Bought hairbands lol.
Parade is quite a boring place to shop arr..
I wonder how many times i've said that already in my blog lol.
BUT at least its better than Summit, to me laa lol!
*Look at those horrible eyebags lol!*
We made her wear my hairband lol!
She was trying to take it off in the pic below lol!
These few days,
my peeps & i have been gambling gambling & gambling!
..but the amount we gamble is small laa lol!
I just came back from Mich's place just now.
I lose all my earnings in the last round =_=
So it was break-even for me.
There will be another session tmr at Chunnymomo's place!
& that will be the last gambling session for this year!
I finally bought 2 designer replica bags - Gucci & LV lol!
Its darn cheap ar, even cheaper than my F21 bag O_O!
No money to buy authentic ones yet so i shall settle down with fake ones first lol!
I know some of you will go "yerrr fake bags!", but at least i dare to admit it lol.
I actually dont like replica bags too but i got too tempted, so buy only laa lol!
& *coughs* i actually dont like them so much anymore after buying them =_= lol =_=!
Im always like that arrr, i like something very much when i first saw it, like love at first sight lmao!
BUT i dont like it that much anymore when i see it again at home =_=
Oh Well.... lol!
Ok laa,
im really tired!
So time to go!