Hellooo =)
Hellooo =)
I am kinda pissed off at 2 things right now >,..,<
..but i'll only talk about one of it because the other aint that important lol.
What isit you ask me?
Everyone i know has been complaining about the slow connection!
Well maybe not everyone, but almost everyone lol.
It took me so SO long to just load some stupid FB flash game!
Took me so SO long to load every page that i visit.
Its so SO annoying i tell you X___X
Then at night, my brother told me the cause of it..
Click HERE or the link below :
..but i'll only talk about one of it because the other aint that important lol.
What isit you ask me?
Everyone i know has been complaining about the slow connection!
Well maybe not everyone, but almost everyone lol.
It took me so SO long to just load some stupid FB flash game!
Took me so SO long to load every page that i visit.
Its so SO annoying i tell you X___X
Then at night, my brother told me the cause of it..
Click HERE or the link below :
Apparently some underwater cable circuit got damaged by i-duno-what?
Maybe some sea monsters or some underwater earthquake..ireallydontknow.
Whatever it is, quickly fix it laaaaaaaaa TM T_____T
Streamyx users are suffering yo T_T
Streamyx users are suffering yo T_T
On the other hand,
(some happy news heheeee)
I will be meeting Mr Stark this friday night in Pyramid's TGV!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ♥
Cant wait to see my Mr Stark!
Thx to Joy who susah-payah went there to get the tickets x)
Thx to Joy who susah-payah went there to get the tickets x)
theres another happy news..
Just so you know, its a really dangerous procedure for old ppl!
(click on the word if you want to know what procedure is that lol)
So thank God =D
theres ANOTHER happy news...
To be continued tomorrow..
lol lol lol
Flash & no flash...vast difference eh?
I know i know, i dont really look that good in person =P
i've mentioned about it many many times already LOL!
Just want you people to see how un-glam i am with flash lol.
Just want you people to see how un-glam i am with flash lol.
im heading to bed now!
Its Thursday tmr.
Thursday = pressure day!
Have to rush to class =_=
So sleep sleep!