Jumat, 02 April 2010

Pictures: Pantai Seafood Restaurant

*Delayed post due to some stupid error*
Pictures from Pantai Seafood Restaurant
Snow crab!
This is the best laaa lol.Didnt order that.Me & lovey =)Why am i so short....... T_T fml lol.Aunt Julia & Jeremy.
Fishys!Didnt order that either.
Us 'kids' trying to touch the fishys but scared hahahahaaa!Obibi why you stand so far lol lol lol.
The aquariumS!Snow Crab in duno-what-gravy.
There are more food but no pictures of em :(
Why my face so round O_O lol.Wahh, my hair quite long already lol.
The most-est handsome-st boyf evaaaa =DMy silly boy I forced him to pose for this lol.
Ok thats all!
Im really tired so off i go!
Am webcam-ing with the boyf now =D
He's more important than blogging so..
BYE lol!

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