Had lunch in McD today with Obibi♥ & John.
Saw Avanda & her friend in coffee beans when i passed by.
She told me she was 'studying'(a.k.a gossiping) with her friend while waiting for her test to start at 3pm lol.
Funny girl laa she haha =D
YEAP, i've just watched Bride Wars.
& it was good & really funny lol.
I liked the wedding gown that Kate Hudson was wearing in the movie.
My future wedding gown will be something similar.
BUT ofcourse prettier & sexier hahahahaaa!
For me it was a 8/10 movie.
But dont blame me if you think it sucked because diff ppl diff opinion so shhh lol.
After movie, we went back to Obibi♥'s place & played Taboo again! lol.
*random old picture which me likeyy lol.
Owh..here's the fishys i bought few days ago.
Had lunch in McD today with Obibi♥ & John.
Saw Avanda & her friend in coffee beans when i passed by.
She told me she was 'studying'(a.k.a gossiping) with her friend while waiting for her test to start at 3pm lol.
Funny girl laa she haha =D
& it was good & really funny lol.
I liked the wedding gown that Kate Hudson was wearing in the movie.
My future wedding gown will be something similar.
BUT ofcourse prettier & sexier hahahahaaa!
For me it was a 8/10 movie.
But dont blame me if you think it sucked because diff ppl diff opinion so shhh lol.
After movie, we went back to Obibi♥'s place & played Taboo again! lol.
*random old picture which me likeyy lol.
LoL =.=
Slowly guess which one laaaa =.= lol.
Well thats one of them lol.
& this is the EMO fishy(pic below)! LOL!
So BIG but so coward hahah!
Its really hard to take a picture of my fishys =.= they kept swimming away/around, except for the emo 1 lol!
My handphone is not water resistant OK so i cant put it in the water & take clearer pictures of the fishyyys ok! SO NO MORE FISHY PICTURES LOL!
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