World of Goo!
Im actually stuck at a few levels.
Though we're given a choice to skip the level, but not fun lo if that level is not completed!
Anyone who plays the game pls let me know lol.
Im desperate to know how to get through a few levels lol!
Some of the levels really keep me thinking....
*like this..*& some of the levels, make me really frustrated!
*like this..*Ok laaa, no laaa.
Those were just my poser/syok sendiri pictures!
LoL ZzZzzZzzZzz!
Classes were fine today.
I really really hate the long breaks.
Long breaks = we ROT there only.
Luckilly i managed to change group, so at least i still have my bunch of friends to hangout with.
Ended at 6pm today.
Sucks rite?
Imagine the jam..yeapp....
The fella who manage our timetable really suck laaaa.
Screw youuuu guy/girl-who-manage-my-timetable!
hahahahaha lol lol!
Ok laaaa, im really tired.
Gona sleeep early today.
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