Left 4 Dead!!
Why? Because you get to bash the zombies up LOL.
Just imagine you're whacking someone up virtually laaaaa hahahah!
Today after morning service, we the youths went cc & played L4D!
The first time i saw the game, i thought it was rather scary.
But then now im kinda loving it already hahaha!
I like it when i have to whack the zombies up! Teeeheeee *pic below* hahaha! Played team game, & my teamates were Obibi, Matt & King.
When we were so 'in the zone' *LoL*, the electric tripped =.=!!
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ DAM POTONG..... then we left after that.
*Left 5 Dead!* Inside joke hahahaha!
Anyways, theres another new trailer for Transformers 2.
Though the HD version is not out yet, but you can watch it here.
Its quite similar with the previous one but just ABIT more extra scenes.
DArnnn, why they keep releasing more & more trailers to tempt us laaaaaaa lol!
Why laaaaa why laaaaa..i want to watch laaaaaa...!
And the next episode for 90210 will only be showing on 31st march!!
&&& there seems to be no more next episode for gossip girl.
Theres probably a new season coming out, but when laaaaa?!?!
An example of gossip girls(pic below).hahaha =PpPpPp
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